Self-care makes you grow
In order to remain standing in the storm of life with all its stimuli and stressors, and at the same time being able to move with it as needed, it is imperative that we find peace within ourselves. Inner stillness, as if in the eye of the storm. So that you can experience the wisdom of your body and know what to do. In doing so, it helps to get away from your daily environment for a while. So that you can feel space, stretch your comfort zone a bit, be with yourself, and nourish yourself.
The retreats José-Marie offers in the Netherlands and abroad know a great variety of content. In addition, they differ in program and intensity; sometimes it is a true pressure cooker for transformation, another time relaxation is the basis. The common thread is always the realization that we are spirit in physical form where our body serves as the interface with the great mystery. So we can welcome all earthly and all heavenly aspects of our humanity. Without diffidence, without judgment, everything is allowed to be there. This also resultat in an important role for Breathwork in all retreats. The breath penetrates all of our bodies, the physical and the energetic. Breathing = Living! In addition, Meditation and Movement are fixed components of the retreats, regularly combined with Yin Yoga, Soul Flow Dance and Rituals as well.
Retreat Nature woman July 4 – 6, 2024
All information is available in Dutch, see Retreats. Or you can download the flyer here: Flyer Natuurvrouw 2024. In case of questions or difficulty with the language, please contact Josie via Contact